
Creating a Life You Love

Want an opportunity to create a life you LOVE with the full support of the Divine field and your personal Dream Team who knows your heart best?

This offering will support the development of a heart-centered connection with your life while releasing the fears & doubts that are hindering your power, so you can embrace the joy of designing your dream life!

The goal of this program is for you to be living in the confidence of your truest self, knowing how to navigate life to make it meaningful and enjoyable for you and the lives you touch. 

At the end of this 6-month program you will have:

  • A clarity of who you really are and an excitement of all you can create by being this authentically powerful you.
  • A compelling vision for your future
  • A means for delivering your passion to the world via your soul’s unique competencies (we will find these via the channeled sessions)
  • A path that captures your sense of hope and excitement in the journey of life. This includes how to attract the relationships that represent the highest play partners for you to grow with both personally and professionally.
  • A new habit of being the you you prefer to be who can continuously grow and learn by your unique means of breaking through your challenges when difficulty arises.
  • Understand the process of creation and how to collaborate with life to create the outcomes you prefer


  Why is this path so effective and fast?

 This path is guided by what some call “the Guardians of Magic”…

– Nature’s Elemental forces- 

…they are the means by which the Creator energies naturally come into unity with form in order to manifest a beautiful life from the inside out. Becoming conscious of these forces will help you remember who you are when you have forgotten how to create your best outcomes.


  • Do you feel alone on your path?

When you say yes to supporting life, life says yes to supporting you! You will be brought into conscious connection with your own ascended soul and your soul’s “dream team”, who knows your heart and joy and wish to support its manifestation in the world.

  • Want to consistently and decidedly reach a higher state of self-awareness?

Kate shares her incredible connection to the Divine Field with you so you can be assisted on your journey in deeply supportive ways even after you finish the program- yes, the Divine Field will remember you and support you as you remember it and support it with your loving flow!

  • Are you ready to harness the power & joy of your OWN intuition and self-guidance system?

Kate will reveal in the channeling the possibility to move through your most challenging stumbling blocks your own way to creating a habit of living in the world as you prefer with the guidance and coaching of the entire divine field. You will learn how to stand on your own two spiritual legs to navigate your life. So best of all you can graduate from this program with a sense of “I’ve got this! I know how to create the life I can truly love!”

These sessions and highly customized channeled workshops have already helped many individuals radically and permanently transform their lives into the joy-filled adventure life is designed to be!


This program is only for those who:

-Want to know how to BE the Creator of their life experience living from a heart-centered place to truly be a blessing for themselves and others.  

-Are willing to give themselves an immersive self-exploratory experience 

-Are willing to give themselves the time, attention, and willingness to grow spiritually needed to move through the program

-Are willing to communicate any stumbling blocks along the way so they can be addressed

This program is NOT for those who:

-Want to take a guru’s advice to find self-realization. 

-Have difficulty with forgiveness of others, self-reflection, or personal accountability.


If you are interested in this opportunity set up some time to

Connect with Kate


Why act now?

We are accepting a limited number into this program so we can provide the absolute highest level of support.

The field needs leaders now.

And this offer ends soon.


maximum of 12 individuals

offer will close on August 31st, 2021

Why so important now?

If you are feeling a call into your divine service that serves your enjoyment of life, it is because your soul field is especially adept at anchoring positive outcomes for others to engage.

You are here to be a blessing to yourself and others no?

How long will you have this amazing support to create the life you love?

 This is 6 month coaching program

We are accepting applicants until Aug 31 st, 2021

Ready to take advantage of the deal of a lifetime?

The All-Inclusive Price of the program


(monthly payment plans are available)



If you are interested in this opportunity set up a time to

Connect with Kate

Here’s what some people have said about working with Kate and the Divine Team in the channeled sessions and workshops:

“What a magical experience! I loved being in a safe space to let go, relax, and enjoy the gifts my soul is yearning for me to notice. Many thanks -”  Angela Fox

“Very enlightening and full of profound and deep information.” Shelly C.

“The Creator’s Game was a powerful and fun workshop that taught me how to access my relationship with my truest greatest expression of self and to practice what it feels like to share the gift of who I am with others and the world around me….Thank you Kate and Ralph for such a potent shift in how I play in the world.”  Aleah Cheri

“…As I dropped into my heart space I was greeted with so much love. The group held a space for complete acceptance, void of judgment, welcoming ALL.  Here is where the magic happened. A beautiful ride we shared in which so many wonderful insights emerged as if I was collecting lost pieces of Gold on a Quest back to my Original Self. I highly recommend taking this step. Your experience will be unique to you but the beauty of this shared sacred space is an adventure that will feel like once in a lifetime- until you decide to create it again. ”  Rachel Friberg

If you are interested in this opportunity set up a time to

Connect with Kate


By the end of October, you can create the life you have dreamed of, so what are you waiting for? Act now!