Soul Path Series
Do you want to experience the best version of you in the world, one which is authentic, loving, powerful and uniquely you?
Are you ready to connect to your soul path?
These are the personal session pillars in the Life Mastery Program offered by Katherine Blake Tomasson, the Joy Architect. This is Nature’s consciousness-raising technology in which you can self-realize the naturally magical you.
Click this link to learn more about the full Life Mastery Program.
You may recognize it as a you, you have left in childhood, if you are currently dissatisfied with your life. Or you may recognize it as the you that is at the center of your finest work.
Whatever the case, you will discover what gift you bring to the world and what the world gives you in return when you deliver your precious gift.
What develops as a result of this session is a sense of personal value that you bring to the rest of life. This is indeed your soul essence at work, or play, as the case may be. You might call it your soul action in the world. Holding this clarity gives you the understanding of how to build a life on your personal foundation of joy as well as how to quickly access this magnificent state of you.
At the end of the first pillar session, “Your Ticket to Joy”, both a sacred experience and a delightfully playful one, you find the connection with yourself that represents your personal path of joy. You will receive a card to keep handy that holds the phrase that captures for you, in your own words, your path to enjoying yourself anytime you lose your way.
Unleash the Magic of Spiritual Connection
Relax and Surrender to Flow
Gratitude of a Warrior Goddess
Value of the Love Dance
Each one of these ticket sessions represents the Soul’s path to Enlightenment or the path of self-realization.
The energetic framework used to bring forward this path is that of Nature’s Elements: Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, and Space, which represent the interface of cosmic consciousness as it deepens in relationship to the individual. Here is how the ticket series unfolds and lights up the soul path.
Water- Presence of Divine Mind
In this first session, as highlighted above, you will reunite with your divine self with the help of the divine team (your angels and guides, Katherine’s angels and guides and the divine field itself). You will be amazed at how this precious you has been inside you the whole time! You realize that it has brought you your best moments, your greatest joys in living thus far. You may also see how it can help you to enjoy life more consistently from now on. As part of this session, we will identify this state of being in a very specific way using your own words so you can easily remember it and re-enter it when you decide to do so. This phrase holds the key to unlocking your heart flow, and it becomes the foundation of joy upon which you can build your best life.
Fire- Your Divine Presence in Action, Your Enthusiasm for Life
In this session, the divine team brings forward the gifts that your divine presence has to share with the world as a natural extension of your joy in being fully present here. The divine team will address any hesitations you may have in bringing forth the energy of pure enthusiasm into your life. When you acknowledge these gifts for the superhero effects they have on yourself and others, then the effect on you is that your divine spark ignites your life! Again, while in this fire energy you will identify in your own words what has brought you there, so you can access it at any time. In addition, we ask the divine team to provide a superhero name for you and your gifts, such as the one Katherine holds – The Joy Architect.
Wind- Finding Connection with Your Playmates (partners that share your passions, your divine partner, your tribe)
Wind energy is the energy that brings us into connection with our highest play partners by combining the energies of Water (our presence) and Fire (our enthusiasm) into one fluid expression of you. Once you have established some confidence in your gifts you start looking for all the people and ways you can express your gifts with like-minded people. Embodying this energy is what draws your play partners to you, and may draw even your highest play partner to you- your divine partner. Your joy partners are energetic complements to your divine expression that have the effect of bringing tremendous growth into your life. This ticket clarifies for you what will collect your soul tribe to you. While in this state of being you will find the words that can bring you back into this state of being whenever you chose.
Earth- Your Joy Embodiment that Creates What it Wants
The loving, creative energy of the Earth herself is fluidly supporting your endeavors in this very high vibrational state of abundant light flow, your joy!! This ticket is here to remove all remaining obstacles to the high action flow of your creative life force in your life. Your community is built, receives nourishment, and finds strength in each other by this creative energy you provide. Your body becomes a light body that is so connected to flow and confidence that you hold nothing back, and therefore, abundance is your gift and the gift to you. When you engage in this state of being, we will again find your turn key phrase to this set of possibilities.
Space- The Soul Who Nourishes All with its JOY!
The divine spark that ignited in the fire energy ticket now realizes its limitlessness. You are your message of joy that is self-sustaining, self-realized and divine. You are one with the All that truly is, the love and joy that binds us all, truly unstoppable.