What if we knew exactly what was coming into our life before it came? Would you surrender to it if it was the best thing that ever happened to you, or would you resist it and say, “when I have more time, I will get to that?”
When our calling is calling, it is loud and clear. You know it. It feels like this: “I am miserable, but I know something amazing wants my attention if I would only be brave enough to listen to it.”
Your calling is not a quiet guest in your subconsciousness; it is begging you to listen.
Here are the benefits of listening:
You will know forever more that you are not alone.
You can understand why all the things that happened that made no sense to you happened.
You finally discover your superpower is your love for life.
You can’t wait to get up in the morning to find out what life brings to you this new day.
You can’t find the hopelessness you once knew because you know you are the keeper of the way forward as long as
your heart flows towards life.
Here are the difficulties that you can say goodbye to:
Goodbye to the you that can not connect to the next level of possibilities for yourself. The heart drives your path, and it knows the way.
Goodbye to the one who believes that life is meaningless, and you are only a little peon in a cosmic
play of existence. Why can you say goodbye to this? Because when you connect to the reality of your soul, you understand that you are the light of the world that creates all things. Therefore, everything is you and yours to interact with most lovingly.
Goodbye to the belief that only heroes can fly. Flying is the state of connection with the field of love that is accessible to anyone who decides to engage the reality of who they really are completely.
Becoming A Life Enthusiast
Most importantly, however, when your calling is calling, it is calling you because your soul is needed in the cosmic dance of life. Your ability to respond to the impulses of your soul means you can lift not only you out of the illusion of separation but can affect all of the many people who have a loving connection to you to a better place.
Your Calling is Not A New Job
I recently assisted a woman who was satisfied with the work she was doing and still is; this was not the issue. The issue was the calling of her heart was so loud that she knew she needed to bring her heart more fully online with her spirit, even though everyone in her life seemed to be turning against her because of it. Her epiphany, as we connected, was that there is no one who is not love; we are only its myriad of forms. We are all connected in this web of life but we do not all express our love the same way. Her personal relationships are completely transforming.
Your Calling Knows the Language of Love
Learning to speak the language of love is the greatest triumph we can have on this beautiful planet of ours. When we learn to speak this language, everything works out in our favor. Somehow the wind moves with us instead of against us, and the gifts life has to offer seem to abound.
Bringing ourselves into a place where we can see the light of divine beauty in everyone and everything is the triumph of the human condition that brings tears of joy to a world formerly filled with disappointment and disillusionment with life.
The Heart of Mother Nature Calls Your Heart
When your calling is calling, it is an invitation to dance in the cosmic web of life that holds all of life’s most precious possibilities for living in its web. Joy is the result of experiencing this web.
Bringing your full attention to the underlying reality that is calling you back into this connection through the use of your loving heart is the call of Nature herself. Nature is the form we take on as a divine expression of the beauty within. Learning to cooperate with the forces of Nature is what delivers us into this divine unity that many call “oneness,” but I call “home.”
Your Heart is Where You Will Find Home
If Nature is calling you home and you would like to find all the possibilities I have mentioned, please give me a call, and I will answer you back with a triumphant and glorious “Welcome!!” from the Divine web of life. The best life has to offer is always waiting for you to connect and enjoy its abundant gifts of the heart. To learn more about my sessions for returning home: click on this link: https://katherineblaketomasson.com/your-ticket-to-joy/
Bringing yourself home means making Earth the home for your greatest love. Yes, finally enjoying all of yourself, right here and now.
Joyfully yours,
Katherine Blake Tomasson