
Suffice it to say; life gives us a mysterious set of challenges to tackle on a daily basis. 

Becoming Interested in Life’s Methods of Change

Why is it that one day you cannot put two sentences together and the next you cannot wait to chat with your neighbor? Why is it you go from loving your partner with all you’ve got to wondering where did my joy in this relationship go?

 Life throws us a whole host of opportunities to see something new about ourselves each day; that is why. 

Pondering the Purpose

We are forever asking ourselves to get just a sign of what we have come here to do or be or enjoy. The funny thing is we get so many chances to receive this information, but we are programmed to look at these as the ‘worst day of our lives’ instead of ‘the opportunity to figure out who I really am finally’. 

Let me explain. If you could have foreseen the current pandemic,  would you have said, “this is going to be an incredible opportunity for humanity to figure out what is truly important?” Or would you have said, “the worst of times are on their way?” 

More importantly, what would you have done about this information? 

I am not saying life is cruel or that we have no control over how our lives come to pass, not at all. I am saying that life gives us opportunities to discover why we are here. 

Playing with Life at Its Game

If we had no one to care for, we could not see the depth of our caring for each other. If we had no illness, we would not find the mechanism for creating health. Life is a game for true players willing to discover their inner calling to thrive. 

Without a decision to create a fulfilling life of self-inquiry into these questions, we receive none of the answers to what makes it so. Beyond knowing what life can deliver is finding what delivers us into our best outcomes. That is a game worth truly playing. When life understands that we wish to improve the outcomes for as many of its living creations as we can, it brings forth the possibility to unveil its greatest secrets. 

“Life is happiness” is one of the greatest possibilities we can unfold. The only way to find this foundational truth is to investigate the true nature of life through personal inquiry wholeheartedly. 

Let’s Play the Way Life Does

I will break this down for you in a quick game. 

Here is how it goes. Let’s look at everything with an open heart and see it for what it is, not what you think it could or should be. Let’s start by looking at yourself. Do this by closing your eyes and then open your heart. Now, look at yourself inside. Who are you? 

Now continue this exercise with the rest of life with your eyes open. Beginning to get my point? 

Life is happiness when you know how to look at it. 

If you wish to learn more about the best relationship with yourself you could experience, which provides the best outcomes, please give me a call. My channeled sessions bring clarity to that path of love for life that creates a sense of being alive in your own skin that is unique to you and a gift to all of life. Learn more here: https://katherineblaketomasson.com/your-ticket-to-joy/ 

Wishing you all the best life has to offer, 


Kate a.k.a. Your Joy Architect