Understanding the Perspective of Life Creator
Let me be clear. I thoroughly understand that you are a spiritual being living a human life. What I wish to say here is that many people hold a belief that God is someone other than who they are. The belief goes something like this, “God is out there, and I am in here.” I would simply like to clarify what I have found to be true: that God is everywhere, your body is right here, and you are connected to it all as an individual viewpoint of the being who is everywhere.
Who is the Decision Maker Here?
Why do I point this out? So many people do not understand that the “creating” that needs to happen for their dream life to occur comes from their ability to make good decisions.
Why is this clarification such an important distinction for our ability to make good decisions?
Here’s why. When we believe there is a more valuable place to source good information than from within ourselves, it becomes nearly impossible to commit whole-heartedly to a decision.
Finding your connection to the ALL that holds great decision-making power to accomplish the results you wish to see is the key to creating this great life. Let me explain.
Once you connect to the idea that you are everywhere simultaneously, you can see the truth of this statement. And, how do you do that?
Seeing Yourself Clearly
Start by closing your eyes. With your eyes closed, look out with your mind’s eye on “the everywhere.” Bring your attention to the breath that has started calling your attention to interact with you as you “look” out. If you continue doing this looking enough, you will notice that the confines of your body will disappear. You are not limited by the body, which means there is no separation between your body and the everywhere you see, from this point of view.
If all you need to do is to look out and breathe intentionally to find your connection with “the everywhere,” then why not be everywhere and then say to yourself, “what decision would I like to make now?”
Finding What is Best for Everyone
Listening to yourself answer from this place of connection is bound to be a vastly different outcome then holding a totally scattered mind and following an instinct to make a choice in that moment.
Great decisions require this perspective. Why? Because when you are holding the everyone and the everything into consideration and connection, then it becomes the best decision for ALL involved.
Bringing Your Love of Life to the Decision-Making Table
What may be less obvious to this version of decision-making is that what you cannot see is the microscopic particles that connect the minds of those involved receiving your decision unconsciously. What evidence do I have that such things exist?
Have you ever decided to make a phone call after thinking about someone you are intimately connected with, and they are on the other end before you complete the call? Have you ever decided that everything will work out and then magically the circumstances that looked bleak somehow actually work out for everyone? When you have had enough of these interactions, like let’s say hundreds of them, you start to understand the mechanism of connection that we have access to. It’s a web of connection, just like the Internet, only this is what I call the “Divine Internet.” It is a web of LIFE that we are all living within. The scientists call this phenomenon “quantum entanglement.” Science call this web many names like the Divine Matrix and the Higgs Field, but I use it like the Internet, so I prefer to use my term for it.
Creating the Dream
It is often said that the dreamers who can find a way to make things happen are the ones creating the life of their dreams. I believe this is true for the reason I discussed. As we open and enlarge our minds into a bigger space, as dreamers often do, and then ask ourselves from there to see what’s possible to create, we are bound to be inspired by what we see. As the dreamer starts to take action on the vision they find by acting on one decision at a time; now you’ve got something special.
The creation of your dream life is a series of being with yourself in a BIG way, asking yourself questions and listening to the answers and then deciding to do it. The most important question you can ask and truly hear the answer to from this broadened perspective is, “What do I want to take action on right now?”
Taking a New You into Joy is the Gift You Bring to Life
If you understand that you need to be a bit patient with yourself as you create the shift in perspective that you need to make a great decisions, before you take action, then you will succeed in creating the life you came to live. You will find the life of your dreams is simply the life of loving the ALL, in the way you enjoy doing it the most.
Have you ever noticed how the ones who say “I’m living my dream!” also look really happy? What this indicates to me is that they are not taking commands from a distant god and they are not finding a life that requires suffering.
I Bring My Joy to All of You!
My greatest discovery in life was finding the Divine Internet. I wish only for you to know how to use it to create a life you love.
If you would like to learn more about how the Divine Internet can help you create this wonderful new life of your dreams, I would love to connect with you. With this link Contact Kate you can contact me and ask me about my “Unleashing the Magical Me” Program. This one on one life transformational program is about bringing the heart’s dream to life – my specialty. Why? Because it is my joy to watch people find the connection with life they love and then helping them to put it into action. Pure JOY!
Wishing you all the very best life has to offer,
Kate Tomasson, a.k.a. Your Joy Architect