Joy is the Energy that Gives
You will never know how important your joy is to someone until you decide to become the joy of your true being. What so many of us have not figured out yet is that it is our joy that makes us uniquely able to give.
Joy is Creator Energy Expressing Through You
Joy is the creator’s life force energy expressing through your individual experience. This creator is not separate from you; it is the highest version of you. When you acknowledge that there is no one else here but you to make the decisions in your mind, you can begin to understand that this life force energy relies on your decision about whether or not its impulses will be allowed to come through or if they will stay as unutilized possibilities that never come into experience.
Connecting to Joy
Consider this. If you had said yes to all the times you felt like doing something, how would your life be different? Your body is a mechanism for allowing a physical connection with this life force energy that wants to pour through you. Sometimes it is asking you to rest and breathe in its rich, relaxing elixir to restore the connection to its most enjoyable state of flow.
Guilt is the Enemy of Life Force Flow
Guilt is an emotion that says, “I don’t trust my impulses to act.” This fearful hesitation creates congestion of the life force flow. Congestion in energy terms is called stagnation. Much like stagnate water creates undesirable situations in our waterways, so too does this stagnant energy create undesirable conditions in our body. As we attune to the impulse signals our body is sharing with us, we will know how to care for our health.
Guilt Impedes Our Capacity to Give
Guilt is never going to produce the abundance of energy that is needed to give generously to others. In the analogy of the life force energy and water, this is like the power the raging river has to carry its passengers swiftly along versus the stagnant water stuck in the eddy. The flow of lifeforce energy must be managed in the body to produce, not only health but also the emotion of joy itself.
The Power of Joy
If there is no focus on your personal enjoyment of life, there is not enough flow of life force flowing within you to produce the power of joy. Without this movement of life force in your body, which some have called chi or prana or what I call light, then you will not be able to lift another person’s spirit if they are in a low vibrational emotion such as sadness or grief. Joy holds real power to improve other people’s lives.
Joy is a Personal Relationship
The beauty of the work I do is that I am privileged to see all of the many ways that the joy of being expresses itself. Your joy is a personal relationship with what love can do, both for you and anyone else you touch. Your soul essence is a unique expression of joy that holds the power to improve your overall wellbeing and the wellbeing of everyone you come in contact with because it does not ask questions; it just gives.
Enthusiasm is the Opposite of Guilt
Have you ever noticed how quickly everyone’s attention is drawn to someone telling a story with lots of enthusiasm? It is because this energy is the nourishment of the spirit. It is a rare occasion when friends get together and say, “Hey, let’s find a way to make each other more sad? ok?” Enthusiasm is the energy everyone is looking to have more of; unfortunately they have forgotten how to self-source this energy.
The Flow of Life Returns
When you decide to be happy, some surprising things are likely to occur. First, you might be surprised at how enjoyable it is to sit and breathe consciously. Next you may see that there are distractions in your mind that have been looking for your attention, and you can tend to them now that you have made this decision. For example, “When am I going to get me time?” Or “What have I done to create such a mess in my house?” To which you might respond, “after I feel more rested, I might like to clean things up a bit.”
Suddenly you notice that life is moving in the right direction when you decide to be happy. You start finding more ways to eliminate wasteful energy efforts and enjoy the relationship with yourself and what you prefer to be spending your time on.
Change is Always Possible
Joy is the energy of a vibrant life that can only begin with the connection you have with your body and mind. You are the only one who can tend to this flow; therefore, you are the only one who can change it. The good news is that you can always change it!
To change the connection you have with the lifeforce energy in your body and mind, you can decide to take a few deep breaths and start listening to what you feel like doing next. When you feel what you want to do next instead of thinking about what you want to do, the intuitive knowing of your heart begins to guide you.
Creator’s Thinking vs. Feeling
You are a thinking being when you want to create a new decision about how you want things to go, but you are a feeling being when you want to know how to make that reality come true. Creating a life of joy is using the thinking mind to decide what you would prefer to experience and allowing the flow of life force to guide you into the creation of that reality.
Removing the Separation from Life’s Best Outcomes
Enjoying life is about letting go of the separation from this inner creator of life’s best outcomes. Guilt is that separating force. Create a new decision anytime you feel separation from your best outcomes like, “Now I am enjoying my life!!”. Then, let yourself feel where that thought takes you!
If you would like to learn more about how you can connect quickly and deeply with your foundation of joy, your soul essence, please visit my website I would be happy to reunite you with this life empowering joy!
May the power of joy light up your world,
Katherine Blake Tomasson